Ride The Burgeoning, Ranting Slope (17)
Come here
near the cliffs
of what ifs
the earth shifts
Patriot act out
Inside they hide the
FACT that they lied about
I me-
an a r-
eal fuck-
ing lot of
really imp-
ortant stuff
most fortuna-
te people could-
n’t give two shits
about but it’s like m-
ore worthy of looking
at than the television sh-
ows they glue to and the f-
ashion models they admire
has anyone even looked at L-
aura Croft lately? A.K.A the sk-
eleton that used to be Angelina J-
olie? Skin and fucking bones dude i-
t’s flat out sickening.What kind of body
image is marketed by show business is n-
o business of mine, I’m just saying it makes
me want to barf and laugh and cry all at the s-
ame time knowing that droves of little girls are l-
ooking up to these people when the real superstar-
s are doctors and teachers and why can’t they get pa-
id like superstars? Why can’t shit change? Why can’t t-
he world change so that the best teachers and doctors ge-