Two Cubed
“Cap’n Mint!” cried Bit, “I don’t want to pick my nose into your business, but -”
“It’s poke.”
Bit scowled. “Of course I spoke. I’m a QT-droid.”
“Not cute enough for me.”
Bit paused. “We don’t have enough fuel.” he reported.
Dr. Phil A. Mint stood up from the captain’s chair, his stubby fingers stroking his mustachio and eyebrow-tachios. His neon pink lab coat gave him the look of a man who was forced to grow a lot of hair to make up for it. He wanted to get rid of the lab coat, but then he’d stop receiving compliments on his mustachio. Sometimes, he felt like a prisoner in his own good looks.
“It’s simple Bit, toss the glyth into the propellant tank.”
“The glyth?” Bit blurted. “We’ve only got two cubes!”
“Aww, Bit, just do it like ye always do!” he sang.
Glyth: a blue lego-like substance used by the ancient Glythians in the construction of their own brain-bodies. If fused with processors, glyth has been shown to introduce emotion into artificially intelligent beings – beings like Bit.
“No!” Bit cried.