
note to self

oh god oh god please don’t let it happen
don’t let her get a hold of you
don’t let yourself forget at all
that you mean nothing to her

you are nothing more
than just another man
will you let her in
will you let her use you

is it worth it to have something
you’ve always wanted even if you know
the whole time it’s a lie
oh god i’m willing to try…

i’ll invite you over
we’ll go downstairs
we’ll play a song or two
maybe record one even

and then we’ll sit
in comfortable silence
until we run out of things not to say
and then what will happen?

will it go slowly
will we take our time
or be rushed into the darkness by
the creak of a door

will you jump on top of me
forcing your tongue between my teeth
with your knees outside of mine
your virginity is a force to be reckoned with

or will i sit there
on the couch
as you subtly slide your skirt up
revealing your cuts

naked, soft
and sickly sweet
as i glide the blade down the contours of your stomach
and the blood glides down the contours of my tongue

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