
Never war

Wispered across the land
Fingers and nails gritted with sand
Bloodlust cries screamed against darkness
For this was the time of the Never war

As reality broke, fantasy was there to mend it
Fantasy, reality, right, wrong, imagination, information
all meshed as one
as was the time of the Never war

Tears as red as blood came upon the ground
One looked for the other,
but none was found
Thus was the time of the Never war

The mending became stronger as reality became weaker
breaking, cracking, crumbling to the sky and turning to dust.
One man.
One mind.
One war.
One time.
Because this was the time of the Never war.

Teeth and nails sharp as knives
fully armored and blade in hand,
a question arose as the blade caught the light.
What if?
To fast to feel
the blade moved.
Thus was the end of the Never war.

Fantasy stayed
to create something new,
full of hope
as rain turned blue.
Imagination, fantasy, right, good, happiness.
For this was the start of something New,
Something called boldness.

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