
Broken 3

I put down my journal, my eyes filling with tears.
I threw it across the room and tightened my grip on the trigger.

Holy Damn. It’s been about twenty days since It happened. We thought the world was ending. Parts of it did.
But not here.
Not here in Killafuckingdelphia.
I think they should rename it that.
Because there sure isn’t any fucking brotherly love in this fucking city.
At least, not anymore.
No one knows what caused It yet.
But It still happened.
The world was thrown into a panic… and then the 12th minute of the 12th hour of the 12th day of the 12th month of the 12th year in the 21st century…
The world blew up.
Not completely, though.
Most of the beaches exploded… some cities spontaneously combusted.
Yeah. I have a feeling things aren’t going to be normal around here for a while.”
I put down the gun and started to cry again…

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