
A Quick Rewrite

Jen rushed past camera 2 near the back of the classroom. “Four minutes until we’re rolling.”
“Make that two,” yelled camera 1, “The assignment’s due by 7.”

Marc was seated in front of the teacher’s desk, a wireless mic coiling around his oversized royal blue suit. He stared down at the script.

Welcome to Jones High Clown News Network, I’m Bozo Grand, it read. Marc scoffed. He felt the sweat drip under the hot lights and put a finger into his oxford collar. “Jen, this whole thing seems like a career killer.”

“Jesus, Marc, a career? You’re a high school junior and can barely act!” she blasted and fiddled with the sound receiver.

Marc bristled, then scribbled a few notes in the margins. He smiled.

“Alright,” barked Jen, “We’re on in 5, 4, 3,” and pointed to Marc.

Marc grinned. “Welcome… to Freak Idol at Jones’ High!”
Jen began shrieking “Cut!” then ran at Marc with clipboard raised.
“Here comes our first freak!” Jen slammed the clipboard on Marc’s arm. “Known at Jones for keeping a stick up her-”

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