Harry and Jorge (pt 3)
“Long time no see Harry!” Jorge was all grin, his ponytail wagging happily from side to side.
“Hey, hey, Jorge!” said Harry meekly, “Long time…” he thought better of this choice of words and trailed of awkwardly.
“What’s that?” said Jorge.
“Nothing, nothing I…”
“Well anyway, have a seat!” Jorge patted the bar stool so hard it let out a little puff of dust. Harry sat. Maybe he is drunk, he thought.“Que Paso mang? How many years its been? Like two righh?” Jorge paused and looked at Harry pointedly.
“Yes, yes, about two years, that’s quite right,” said Harry over enthusiastically.
“Of course, it could have been longer but you know old Jorge has friends in all kinda places, ehhh?” Jorge laughed and Harry chuckled uncomfortably with him.