
One Last Thing

Who are you?
….We are the guardians of the Earth….

What are you?
….We are humans…

Special humans?
…no…We are the correct humans….

But I am human. Am I a gardian of the earth?

So you are different from me?
….no….We are one in the same…


But I am not a guardian of the earth?
…no….you are not….

Then we are different?
….no…We are the same…

You are different?
…no…You and I are the same….

But how?
…define a human…

A human? I don’t know.
…We are not special beings. We do not have wings and can not fly. We do not have claws, and can not cut.We have arms and legs. Hair and eyes. We can walk and we can run….Is that not you?

It sounds like me..
….It is also me….

So a human has to create anything extra we might need?

Then what makes You a guardian, and not me?
….I use these hands to create and protect. You use your hands to create and destroy….

Can I become a guardian?

….You already are….

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