
...and soon the world will cease to be jaded (Part V)

You’ve retreated, given up, withdrawn inside your mind. Can you even remember the world you lived in? You are numb. Now you can find your solitude there. People try to talk to you, you can’t seem to get what they’re talking about anymore. It’s all You, You, You. The people who you once loved and respected, even trusted, it’s just alien to you now. Maybe you want to stay here. Even sitting in a room, that situation, on your own, it changes. It’s become different somehow. But don’t worry, you can convince yourself that you’re fine, normal even. But then your mind starts to work, even if you don’t want to do this just now. What’s normal? Normal doesn’t exist. If you are normal, then you’re lying. Tangents appear at seemingly random points along your line of thought so they become a web, only a disordered web, a first try, lack of effort. You can hear it all now… your parents, your teachers, your colleagues, everyone who you knew and loved. But they’re all gone now. Just like you, failure.

Beautiful mistake.

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