
Airships: New Dangers

Suddenly everything happened at once. The captain resumed his watch of the heliograph in the distance, and a regular crew member appeared to guide her back to the cabin. Elletra could hear Gladstone below, bellowing orders at the gun crews to get them ready. She turned at her cabin door and insisted the man tell her what was going on. He hesitated, nervously, obviously in a hurry to get back. His hand fingered the open holster and he flicked glances down the corridor, speaking quickly.

“There is a fleet of airships from the Sky Docks that keeps the fold exit safe from bandits. One of them – the Clear Air Turbulence – has signalled us to say that they have been attacked from the north and that this area is not safe.

As the ship has only minimal defences, the captain is eager to catch a fast wind and escape but this may not be possible. The fold has been closed as the defeat of the foldkeepers is a distinct possibility.

And now, if you can excuse me, I am needed."

He tipped his cap at her and rushed away.

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