Whoa ._. It really climbed up and ended on a high end. Really sad isn’t it :/
Dont really like the title though. But that might just be me
I have a bad habit of making up weird titles.
Ha! I really like this one.
Deeply metaphorical.
As a future Disney employee, this sounds a chord. Quite lovely.
Ooh right in the childhood…
Well, congratulations on getting featured! Well-deserved too.
You all are wonderful. Thank you so much!
I meant to comment on this when it was featured. I remembered to come back and comment. That’s what good writing does, it sticks with me. I knew you had it in you! Bravo.
I meant to comment on this when it was featured. I remembered to come back and comment. That’s what good writing does, it sticks with me.
I knew you had it in you! Bravo.