“Sometimes the basket is replaced with candles that smell like cinnamon or vanilla depending on their coloring.” (We all know it’s not really the color that causes the smell…)
“As long as you are in the bathroom, most people will leave you alone, especially if it’s yours.” (“Most” people implies that some people will still bother you, and “especially if it’s yours” also implies that, if you’re using someone else’s bathroom, there’s a chance people will interrupt you!)
For the former, I can not assume that people divorce their belief that scent and color are tied together especially since they so often are. As for the latter, I am basing that sentence on personal experience. I have been bothered in my own bathroom but not as much as say public restrooms where employees have the keys or worse that any person thinks that I have somehow mysteriously vanished inside. Or fallen asleep. Or died. Or what have you. My sanctuary is good but its far from perfect.