
Airships: Slipping the Net

After what seemed like an eternity, Elletra let the last man fall away from her – and found no more enemy combatants on the field. The crew yelled, the large hawser falling away from the hull.

Immediately, the deck lurched as the helmsman laid on full power from the four Jerem-Hatsinger drives. The wind on deck grew rapidly from a stiff breeze to a full-force gale and kept climbing; in the sudden howling confusion Elletra spotted the captain gesturing for her to go belowdecks.

She was only too happy to oblige, stowing her weapons and taking his hand to step over the edge of the doorway. The Frenchman swung the hatch shut, the sudden absence of noise a blessed relief. With a start, the girl realised the captain was talking to her.

“… I must ask that you report to the infirmary to be checked over.”

“I am fine, sir. Only a few scrapes.”

He smiled thinly, propelling her towards the infirmary/cargo bay.

“I must insist. Some wounds are not readily apparent.”

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