
The Call of the Sea - description

This sand has been here for decades. It is always changing, but always here. It absorbs the warmth of the sun, feeding it back even when darkness has fallen. Shells decorate the surface, brightly-colored ones grabbing more attention than others.

A ghost crab, visible only because of its movement, darts a couple of feet and stops again.

Clouds drift lazily across the sky, a sky that has never looked so big or so blue. It somehow seems even more infinite here, even though being “more infinite” is an impossibility. Maybe here impossible things are made possible.

Waves crash onto the sand, molding it into a new form. Some of the sand retreats with the waves, only to be thrown back where it came from. The ocean makes its own music with the waves and the wind joins in harmony. With each wave, worries are pulled away, far into the ocean. Unlike the sand, they don’t return.

The sun seeps into thoughts, slowing time until it almost stands still.

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