Interesting how you used the setting of the previous story but made the mood much more light-hearted. I wonder if this is taking place on New Tortuga, or if these scamps are just playing at being pirates while safe at home on the mainland?
I imagine this to take place in the slums below New Tortuga (seems like a perfect place for slums if you ask me). New Tortuga strikes me as the place where, as Obi-Wan Kenobi wisely put it, “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” Then again, slums within a Pirate Hive. Could breed some very interesting children…
I’ve decided that the children are in the “slums” section of New Tortuga. (I’m picturing New Tortuga as a city held aloft by thousands of Heliofrost-fueled decomissioned airships) Getting examined and passing the Captains’ Council (Their version of a mayor) is the best ticket out of the slums. The slums is where the lowest of the pirates live.