I actually don’t find this funny at all. I spent seven years journaling, and a good portion deserves this kind of response. Glad to have learned past that era and graduated to newer, more honest and less selfish forms of writing. Well captured, Elsha.
This was a writing exercise, “A journal decides to write back” kind of thing. That’s where I went with it. Even though we grow up, sometimes we still behave selfishly, and moreso, there are times we need to be selfish. Good thing this is not my journal! Though I haven’t really kept one in ages. In fact, I think I ripped pages out and only rewrote the best parts to keep them. My journal would hate me.
My journal would would definitely write me this note. I pretty much only write in it to vent! I too am embarrassed by past entries, but I think it is because I am uncomfortable with the truth of where my heart and mind were at that time. I think this note by the journal is something a good friend should have told us, if we had been in honest conversation with them. Raw emotion can fester on pages that can’t speak back
Hilarious and dark, but also very telling and true at the same time. Feels like an appropriate b***h slap for teenage angst…one I probably deserved at that age as well.