Hunter: Pull The Plug
The doctor blew into the room, not unlike a thunderstorm, and with the same ferocity delivered the news: “I’m afraid your friend is… well, braindead. We stopped getting readings just a few minutes ago. As such, tragedy as this is, we have to pull the plug. Say your goodbyes.” And then he left, as quickly as he had came.
Reactions varied. Amy just sat in shock, Mack snarled and slammed a fist into the linoleum tile floor, and Jason just… slumped. It was like his brain had just stopped transmitting to his body, much like mine supposedly had. Mack reacted as a Second should, by immediately trying to ensure his safety of body and mind before Mack did as a jealous man never would; he placed his Alpha’s body next to mine on the hospital bed.
It was not long before the doctor came back in. Amy still had not moved, and the doctor was about to request Jason be moved when Mack snarled “No.”
The medical man ensured everyone had said goodbye, then reached to the machine and flipped the switch to off.