Sorry, Little Sister, I guess I just didn’t feel like I had much to say about two works in progress. I do like the word play in the second part and I think you are clever enough to expand on the ideas and themes on both of them. We love you too.
I’ve gotten views and no comments before too, and I remember how awful it made me feel, so I get the sarcasm.
I like the first two lines of the first one, the rhythm of Quote and Afloat. The rest of it seems too esoteric to understand.
The second one sounds like a good start to a spoken word poem. The last two lines of the second poem is witty enough to make me smirk as I read it, and it sets a mood, a theme to expand upon.
I would like to read it again if you finish it off.
Haha. The first one is frustrating, because there was more to it but I didn’t have the chance to write it down. Now I can’t really remember it. But I guess it’ll just take time. It’s kind of about this habit that I use to have where I would write something but put it in quote marks because I was too embarrassed to say that I had actually written it. :P
Thanks for the comments! The input really does mean a lot to me.