Untitled Poem #3
I will never again feel
as I do in this moment,
so full of the words I wished
I could think of,
the goodbyes that stuck in the
back of my throat,
the love that I’d let leak through
over the years for you.
You took me in, handed me
an umbrella with a smirk.
“When it rains,
it fucking pours.”
Words to live by over
the next six years,
you promised,
and you gingerly took my hand,
guiding me through
the harshest times I would ever face.
And now, I’m staring at you:
face to face,
eye to eye,
heart to heart,
wishing I could say something
just a little bit more meaningful.
You changed me,
and although I didn’t change you,
I loved you all the same.