This is such a hodgepodge of strangeness! It seems quite random. I suppose that was the point though. It is rather comical after you read it a couple times. XD
It’s my first attempt at a sequel. It was actually quite difficult, between writing in the style of someone else and the length limitations. It was fun to write, though!
In my opinion, it’s better to write sequels in your own style. That, again in my opinion, is what makes ficly so great! A bunch of writers with so many different styles all conglomerating in so many stories. XD
Excellent continuation of the nuttiness that just hovers on the edge of complete insanity. I like the ending especially, the reason why Bob is over there dealing with this crazy inventor. Fun stuff and thanks for adding on a sequel.
And as to the style question, I do both. It can be an exercise in creativity to stretch and adopt a different style. It’s also fun to create an homage to the original by warping it into your style. Both are fun, and both are valid.
Princess Binky Lemontwist (LoA)
Princess Binky Lemontwist (LoA)
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