
Lessons at the Academy: Gravity and Erosion

Even though it was only a few meters, the climb down had been much easier, perhaps fueled by his need to escape the bullies. Now Daffyd’s left eye was swollen shut and throbbed with pain. Being reduced to one good eye distorted his depth perception. Whether it was the pain or the limited vision, that caused him to over reach the next hand hold, he’d never know. Stretched precariously, his hand found purchase on a clump of rock, pitted by the sea air. As soon as he started to pulled himself up, it collapsed into gravel, crumbling out of his hand.

For a moment he hung suspended in the air, falling away from the wall, a scream frozen in his mouth. He saw himself dying, splattering like an egg on the rocks below, body washing away with the tide; food for the jackals of the sea.

Strong hands caught him by his wrist. “There ya go. We gotcha.”

More hands grabbed at the waist of his pants and togethery they pulled him up.

Once safely inside, Daffyd nodded breathlessly to each of his three rescuers. “Many thanks.”

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