I like the idea behind this a lot. There’s something about Philip K Dick in it, not the style but the concept, which is utterly bizarre but completely comprehensible at the same time.
There’s a slight mix-up here:
“his hand ceasing their stirring motion”
should be “its stirring motion”, I think.
My favourite line is probably this: "Right in the sleep they probably fuckin’ sold him.” Tells the reader a great deal about the world in a very compact bit of writing.
I almost think it would be more effective if the card had much less than ten hours on it, showing just how valuable a commodity the minutes are. When Carl says “I got some spare minutes”, I expect the amount on the card to then be measured in minutes rather than hours.
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the feedback guys.
I realize Spiderj is probably correct in his observations, specifically the “minutes/hours” thing. My reasoning behind it being 10 hours is easier to say than 600 minutes; but it is true that “600 minutes” would follow the trend.
Also the rather embarrassing grammar mistake, which has been fixed.
Thanks again for the comments and critiques, I appreciate them greatly.
I remember when you were explaining this to me, I thought literally, sandmen. Like walking men made of sand who roar or something. But when it finally got it, I thought it was a damn good idea. I don’t know if your taking it up, but you should.