
Airships: In Times of Distress

Without warning, the Silver Skies started turning.

Gladstone stood, rock steady, as Elletra braced against the doorframe.

“What’s going on?” she managed to ask after the ship finished the sharp turn. A marked increase in the movement of the floor suggested the ship had accelerated to a higher speed than before.

“We’ve had a distress signal on the radiograph, miss. A general mayday call; we are obliged to respond. Three other ships are on their way, but we will be the first to arrive. The captain has ordered all officers and essential crew to duty. Do you know where our marksman is?”

“Hawkeye?” the girl managed to say without blushing too much.

“Aye. He’s not due on watch again today and not an officer, but his are the sharpest eyes on board. Can you go and find him? When you do, tell him that the Captain wants him in the lookout.”

She nodded, quickly stepping back out and retracing her steps.

Never a dull moment.

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