
The Aura: Experimenting

John narrowed his eyes, disbelieving. Where am I? is this a hoax? Am I a hostage? Am I just dreaming? Should I wake up? Am I under drugs? Her aura was the same recognizable blue. Impossibly blue. They knew what he was, but did they know what he could see now? What he could feel?

“Give me your hand.” He said cautiously.

The woman, Paula, arched an eyebrow. He noticed her aura faded a little. What did that mean? She smiled & extended her hand, the aura returning to its original brilliance. John moistened his lips, tense as a pinched spring, and touched the palm of her hand. He gasped & pulled back. Her emotions were pounding in his head, suddenly everywhere & everything in his being.

“Are you alright? What’s wrong? You need a doctor?” She demanded at rapid-fire, a frown creasing her face & her eyes wide.

John forced in a breath, “No.”

“What was that all about?!” She asked, her hand on her hip.

She had been afraid.

Fear, curiosity, and a dozen other of her emotions were still swirling in his mind.

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