Low Key Raz-Matazz
Gamely playing along for the sake of something to do while sitting in an elementary school office, Cara queried, “So you’re not my weird brother? You’re a creepy guy from the 1920’s?”
“Vaudeville actually spanned much of the 1800’s as well, but no. I am your brother. Merle is just…along for the ride, waiting in the wings as it were.”
“This is why you don’t have any friends. You make up crap like this.” Cara knew it was over the line as soon as she said it, but Logan didn’t seem phased.
Instead he hopped down from the chair, “If I made it up, could I do this?” Humming a jaunty tune he began a shuffling yet graceful dance, like a tap dance but quieting.
“You’re dancing like grandpa…when he’s drunk.”
“Now you’re catching on, just a bit of the old soft shoe…” He froze. His parents had emerged from the office with the principle and were staring with mixture of confusion and disbelief. Logan simply smiled and climbed back onto his seat, calm and composed, before giving his sister a sly wink.