
Now Who Runs The Show

A man dressed in a
sequined suit came to
me in a dream.
He held up his pocket watch,
his grin slightly crooked,
and promised me
that he would transport
me into a world
where I didn’t have to
for myself.
I noticed a glint in his eye
I’ve only ever seen
once before
(in the eyes of
the only real liar
I’d ever had the displeasure
of meeting).
He had the kind
of welcoming
air about him
that I just couldn’t ignore,
so I found myself agreeing.

He placed his fingertips
against my temples ever so lightly,
and he began swinging his watch.
My eyes followed the arc
until they glazed over
and shut tight.
He became my puppet master
and commanded me to commit
horrible crimes
and hurt innocent people
and even when I awoke,
I could still hear his harsh
demands deep within
my ears,
So I continued to
obey my

But I liked it better this way
I didn’t have to think
about it.

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