
Unfamiliar faces

We were running through the streets hodling hands, laughing and giggling. The dark, starry sky hung over us like a huge blanket.The young man next to me was not the face of someone who i had know all my life, but rather a face that was new.I had meet this unfamiliar face,tyler, only moments before this random and totaly NOT planned escape took place. We were running form the cops, the cops! What was i thinking!? I have never done enything bad in my entier life. It was crazy. And i, out of all people, was acctualy happy and ok with it.

We continued running down a dark road in which we thought we would be hidden. We made our way down the road only to find a dead end, a tall wooden fence that marked the end of our road but more importantly the end of my life. My mind quickly jumped back into reality and i started to freek out. In my perspective there was no way out.Then all off the sudden tyler hops the fence and is gone, leaving me all alone in the dark with the sound of sirens coming closer and closer.

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