
One thing left.

Ever since she came into the picture, Dad had started drifting away.

Sure I could still laugh at his horribly lame jokes, but it just wasn’t the same. That witch ruined it all. Why did she have to be here, anyways? Who needs to get married? The whole idea is just stupid.

I guess I’m just bitter because she’s an unholy jerk who does nothing but criticize me at every possible moment and laugh at my attempts to do anything. She drags away my father with steely claws, making him lose interest in me in a agonizingly slow pace. We can’t even watch Monty Python anymore! And when that happens, well… I know he’s really starting to go.

All those things we used to love… From weird and funny cartoons, to stupid jokes that make you cringe at how awful they are. He used to listen to me. We used to be able to bond over such silly things. It was great. He was dad! Yanno, that great guy who’d laugh even at your stupid obsessions. Now we have nothing. Well, that is, until we discovered cats and lazer pointers.

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