
Castle of Glass

“C’mon, Doe, you have to keep going…” Shawn huffed, trying his best to haul his Time Lord friend through the fray towards the TARDIS. “We’re almost there, please!” Oh, but God, he was bleeding so much. Shawn figured that since he was Time Lord and all, John Doe wouldn’t wound like humans. But, unfortunately, he did. Doe crumpled to the ground with a loud cry, gripping the heavily-bleeding gash on his shoulder, that was all too close to his neck. The Time Lord sucked in a breath as he relaxed there on the floor. Shawn bit down on his lower lip and knelt, cradling his friend’s head. “Doe, please, we’re so close!”

The Time Lord shook his head slowly. “I can’t…” he barely managed the words. “You go. Get back to her.”

“No!” Shawn cried, hot tears welling in his eyes, threatening to spill over the boundaries of his eyelids. “I won’t leave you!”

“Shawn, there’s no hope for me,” Doe argued in a harsh tone, however wounded he was. “They’ll find me. If you’re here with me, do you think they’ll care for you?”

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