
No more.

They fixed her, didn’t they?

They may have changed her outside; removing the feathers and changing her eyes back to their vibrant purple. Yet… Yet she was never the same.

At least, after she and Veser had their fight.

It had been neither of their faults, really. It had been that raven. That sickly ink colored girl she’d been made into. She could cope the first couple months, sure. They all could. But… Over time… The old wounds reopened. And Veser couldn’t take it any more.

And really?

Neither could she.

Her adopted father dead. Her one love gone. Her brothers off running their own lives. No more wars to fight. No more Games to play. No more promises to uphold. No more songs to be sung.


And eventually, after living alone with those scars, she’d had enough.

And so she pressed the cold steel barrel to the side of her head, parting her curly brown hair as she did so.

And with a flex of a metal finger, Autumn Dakota Cosgrove was gone.

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