
The Azure Sky: The Miracle of Pezenat

Nikita remained speechless for all of ten seconds before calling out orders. “Back to the beach! Who’s left on the ship? Send messages crewside! By grace of Calypso, stop harvesting that blasted tree!”

The crew began to run, but beneath their feet the Earth split while Nikita was left on the mainland. The outermost slabs of dirt began to circle the island in two rings going in different directions. Some of the crew jumped into the ocean; some were flung off by the speed. Nikita pushed Needle into the ground and stared up at the summit of Pezenat.

The sides of the peak had splayed out, revealing the most beautiful golden flower, thousands of feet wide, coating the whole island with a yellow shadow. Suddenly the screams of her crew stopped and all was silent beyond the rushing of the ever rising Earth.

“The Miraculous Bloom,” she whispered, before launching off into the jungle, pausing only when her voice was called.

“Don’t think I’m not coming with you,” Jethro tiredly winked.

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