Agh! I had enough if that with Tenth and Rose. But it was brilliantly done anyway. :)
A redux on a theme covered in Dr. Who, but I like the gender twist and the added layer of sexuality. Nicely written, very fluid.
HAHAHA, you had me at the title considering I just recently rewatched Vanilla Sky. Also a big fan of Doctor Who, so your Time Lord reference although arguably a bit too direct was still a joy to see.
:c RAH! Shawn… Doe… GRAH! The Bromance, man. The Bromance. Very nicely done! I was teetering on the edge of tears there. xD
:c RAH! Shawn… Doe… GRAH!
The Bromance, man.
The Bromance.
Very nicely done! I was teetering on the edge of tears there. xD
Oh man, this got me. I love dr who :3
Another Who fan here =) Very sweet moment indeed! Good job.