I like! A bit difficult to understand at first but still good. XD Welcome to Ficly!! :D
I like! A bit difficult to understand at first but still good. XD
Welcome to Ficly!! :D
Thank you! And yes, it’s not the easiest to follow, but I wrote the scene without writing anything before it, so… xD Thanks again :D
Oh, by the way, since you wrote you like amazing new worlds…. you might wanna swing by the WBP: Steampunk Fantasy challenge. You may like it. :)
Bleh. I hate doing the dishes- except as payment for delicious food. Then I am happy to do my part. This sounds wretched though. I guess because I had a sink like this once. Good setup. Good switchup on the nature of the beast. Welcome to Ficly.
Bleh. I hate doing the dishes- except as payment for delicious food. Then I am happy to do my part. This sounds wretched though. I guess because I had a sink like this once.
Good setup. Good switchup on the nature of the beast.
Welcome to Ficly.
Thank you! And LoA, I’ll check that out :)
I love that first sentence.
Haha, why thank you.