
Messenger: After the Torchlight Red

With trembling hands I closed Gearwing Four’s maintenance hatch, sighing with relief. It had been a nerve-racking exercise, especially as the Master had insisted on using the Byzantium modules instead of auxiliary mainsprings. Byzantium-powder heat-release did indeed offer more power for longer periods of time, but were the Devil’s own job to construct and maintain.

Four locked its sapphire eyes onto me searchingly. I hesitated, carefully checking the next phrase that I would have to give.

“Gearwing 04, acknowledge the end of maintenance.”

The dizzyingly complex cogmind inside Four clicked for a full second. I began to worry that it had not recognised my voice.

“Thank you, Assistant Messagemaster. We (04&19) would like to leave on our mission.”

I knew that Four was simplifying its speech to make comprehension easier, but it still took me several moments to reconstruct the meaning. I struggled through the reply.

“Acknowledge RMC53 as flight leader.”

“Acknowledged. We will leave in formation with RMC53.”

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