I am intrigued! Nice little by play between mates, and I want to know more about this old woman…is she a witch for real?
A few niggles: You switch names halfway through, Matthew talks to a Joe and a Sam. I also feel the first paragraph doesn’t flow with the rest, which is just conversation. It’s not even needed really, what does it add?
Haha, no I don’t think so, boxofun :P afterall, it is a pretty witty title ;)
I would say that in actual conversation, people rarely reiterate that something isn’t real (say, dragons, unicorns or witches). If someone told me unicorns aren’t real, straight-faced, I’d wonder if I actually Looked like an idiot. Know what I mean, jellybean? Otherwise, love it all
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Blossom Roquen