Friendship Anew
The beginning of this tale starts with a end.
An end of a beloved, sweet sister of mine.
A sister made of love,
A sister made of time,
A sister made of friendship.
Yes, it was the death of my best friend, Blossom’s lovely sister Lora life,
That started a beginning to a friendship,
Actually two!
Two guys named Ibn and Yvan,
Who are twins,
Yes, her death paved a way to a new friendship.
They made their way into my heart,
For different reason for each of them.
They, in their own way, gained my trust, my love, and my friendship.
For a year and a half they have been a delightful new addition to my friends.
Now my list of my one best friend,
Is now joined by two brothers who gained my heart.
This is my tale of a glorious new friendship,
That was started by an end.