
RapidSSL: A Symbol of Trust

RapidSSL is a leading online security provider in the internet industry. It deals in a robust security, which secures user’s data on E-commerce website. The day online shopping starts a security concern goes with it. Phishing steals the monetary information of a customer. When a user wants to buy stuffs from an online store, he will become conscious about his hard working money. If he finds any fault in online shopping, he will keep away himself from such website. A secure seal embedded on a website provides confidence to a visitor. To stop phishing, SSL certificate is an inevitable solution for the online business.

RapidSSL who is a subsidiary company of GeoTrust deals up to 256-bit encryption. Customer service is a fundamental part of its success. Visitor can also check the certificate information with a simple click it will show the proprietor’s information, serial no, CA’s details, expiry date.

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