
I'm Still Not Convinced This Isn't a Dream

“It’s sort of confusing, though,” Gweneth continued, “because it is supposed to carry three people over. A crowd was around me when I performed the spell, so I don’t really know who came with me.”

“Three people? That’s a bit… random, isn’t it?”

“Three is the sacred number of elves in my world. I figured you’d know that, having created it.”

“From how it sounds, I didn’t create the first thing.” Melissa picked up her pen. “This cannot create…” she gestured at her character. “You! You’re far too perfect to be of my design.”

“Well, apparently I’m not. The whole concept of the spell was to meet who created you.” She turned her head to look into the night, her sight completely missing the azaleas to the side. Melissa leaned back in her chair, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.

She still wasn’t entirely sure she wasn’t asleep at her desk, dreaming of her character.

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