Its hard to not lose yourself, that’s true. But the people who dont let their tragedies and pain define who they are at the end of the day, they are beautiful. No matter how flawed that person may be. That’s how I look at it anyway.
I like how the end echoes the beginning. I had a bit of difficulty with the part where you speak of how detachment helps. I can’t put my finger on it, though. Perhaps it’s just the paragraph break that I’d remove? I’m not sure, sorry. I hope you won’t mind my sharing my puzzlement even though I haven’t fully analyzed it.
The bit about losing one’s engineer threw me for a loop. Is the narrator not human? Is this some sort of sentient spaceship? This story may need a sequel!
The engineer part is metaphorical. This is another piece which is pretty much my diary, so there isn’t really a character – just the way I felt at a certain point in time.
Detachment part is that I enjoy being alone but I’m not really alone, and it all gets a bit much. Sorry, it’s just my crazed rantings lol