Messenger: Recovery
She turned to me, grabbing my by the shoulders.
“I just saw Tallis out there.”
I knew better than to argue with Tamerra, who had eyesight fit to rival Gearwing Nineteen. I shouted for some men to open the doors.
It was indeed Tallis, who came in with Four and an exhausted Kourser. While Tamerra fussed over Four’s ice-encrusted flight surfaces, Kourser hopped up onto my arm. Dropping a frozen, solid gold Martese coin into my hand, she thrust the message-medallion at me. Urgent message for Terciel aul Janse-Lomberg, she said quietly. Paid for in advance and triple excess.
I snapped my gaze up to Rokhin, who nodded in understanding, and went to the galley hall to take the message.
“Terciel, or Messagemaster or whatever it is you call yourself these days, get a message to Hawkeye immediately. The name is Ryle and he knows me from Four Peaks. This ship was bound for Earthside, and I’m almost certain the Earl has something to do with it – the men we picked it up from were in full Nightmare gear.”