
Benthic Zone: Barn 16

“Not my fault this class is as entertaining as watching grass grow.” Beatrice hissed as she walked out of the class with her friend.

“Whatever. Just be glad I knew the answer this time.” Oliver sighed as they made their way through the school’s carpeted hallways.

“Are we meeting up with Warren and London outside?” Oliver asked after some silence.

Beatrice frowned, “Yeah. We’ve got combat classes in Barn 16.”

“Sargeant Burns.” Oliver groaned as they stepped through a side door out into the chilly Autumn weather.

“My thoughts exactly. Still, it’ll be fun to see who Warren will play with this time.” Beatrice grinned.

“I’m betting one of the Delamores.” Oliver snickered.

The barn was already filled with kids as they waited for the teacher to show up. Oliver and Beatrice quickly skirted the main groups of kids, spotting Warren and Beatrice’s twin, London, in deep conversation. Beatrice finally was able to relax as they reached the two. This was the Benthic Zone of the Academy, she thought with a smile.

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