

Slipping away, on the edge, and it drives me further.

Hidden away, teasing me, testing, and it is beyond my notice.

Teasing, testing, toying, laughing, and it will not cease.

Won’t stop, on my toes, ready to jump to freedom, and it just won’t leave me alone.

How much longer…?

Mind is swimming, heart is racing, migraine skirting edges like a hungry predator, it is getting louder.

Don’t understand, who hates me? It is still somewhere.

This isn’t right, It won’t stop. Will it? Please…

Closer, ever closer, It is almost here….


Now an hour later, I am even, I am beginning and end, and It will forever haunt me.

Until such a time where we are replaced with boxy cousins, I forever remain taunted.

On edge, about to fall, beginning it falling towards the middle, and It is starting away.

I am safe, for now, ’till next hour befalls me. It has moved onwards to new horizons.

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