
Airships: About Turn

Jerem looked up at the pair as they entered, raising an eyebrow at the sight of Gearwing Twenty on Hawkeye’s arm.

“Something important?” he asked casually, continuing to mark points and make notes on the map lying on the table.

Hawkeye saluted, sending Twenty over to a handrail next to Jerem’s chair. It chirped, then appeared to look at the captain closely.

“Are you Captain Jerem?” it asked in a voice quite different to the previous one – which must have been Terciel’s, Elletra realised. This one was a lot deeper, but had much the same tones of culture and sophistication that she recognised in Hawkeye.

Jerem nodded.

“It’s Ryle. I’m tapping into this message carrier, since it just left Irwell and it’s going hell-for-brass for Brallis-Foray.

I don’t know where you are, but drop whatever you’re doing and make best speed for Earthside. There’s a clipper coming to pick up our cargo, and you really want to catch it."

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