

I stood in front of the steel doors that barred my way in to the nameless decrepit building. My trembling hand stretched out in front of me, hesitating. Fingers met the cool steel and pushed them forward silently.

I took a step on to the dusty floor, inching my way forward. The doors closed behind me, leaving me trapped in near darkness, only bars of light from the window.


It wasn’t me, that sound. I was petrified.

Eerie giggles. Not just my imagination.

I heard light footsteps running around me, shadows flitted in front of the weak light sources.

My heart was pounding, my body was cold and slick with sweat.

“This isn’t funny,” I whispered dryly, thinking it was just a prank by my friends.
A bony hand grasped my shoulder hard and I shrieked in to the darkness. Another hand enclosed my chin, prying my mouth open, making me look like a horrified statue. I felt cloth being stuffed in to my mouth and a cold sting at my neck before my throat split open in a grim red mockery of a second mouth.

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