
To Those Who Have Listened

I’m sorry.

I cannot put to words how much it means to me. But I also can’t put to words how goddamn sorry I am for forcing you to care. It’s selfish of me to even think for the slightest moment I should put me before everyone else. Self preservation is an instinct for the worthy. Which I will admit, does not include me. I am nothing. I deserve nothing. I should remain selfless. I should listen and not speak unless I am uttering words of help to those in need. I am not worthy of help. I do not deserve help.

I shouldn’t expect help.

And I am so, so sorry for speaking of my hate for myself. I do not belong here. I am nothing. I am nobody. I am simply taking up space and using air better for those who do as they should; who will move on to do things great. I will not. I am useless. I shouldn’t expect people to care. Most defiantly not you.

I am sorry.

I am selfish.

I do not deserve you.

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