
Lips Of Blood Poison

Night time stars fall against the tree
Shadowing the horror of the monster, me
Closing my eyes I cut skin neatly
Soaking up blood so, so discreetly
He needed to die, the man of that hour
His words hurt, he was so sour
I dragged him here, with promise of kiss
But instead he got my deadly lips
Injecting my mouth with dark blood poison
Tasting the sweet syrup of bloody night crimson
Dark smiles pulled at my blood thirsty lips
As I dismembered his body, twelve even splits
Judge me not, for this man is a monster
He murdered my brother, my mother, my father
So tonight as the black ravens squack and titter
I kill this man on the night of midwinter
Hanging his limbs from the branches of trees
I tie parts together into ones, twos, and threes
As I knot the last part, his bloody red skull
I walk over to him and gently I pull
And with stained guilty lips
I brush his cold, dead mouth
With a poisonous kiss

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