
Testing Fate

Everything was red, emergency exit red. The fiery color soaked the paper in my hands so thoroughly I expected the paper to drip with bloody ink. It stained my retinas, invading my subconscious with insidious whispers of complete incompetence. My bold black squiggles had marred the pristine white paper a week ago but now it was scarred by slashes of unforgiving corrections. There was a simple note at the bottom of the page.
“Come see me after class”

Everything was red, emergency exit red. The fiery color soaked the paper in her hands so thoroughly that it dripped with blood. It stained her retinas, invading her subconscious with desperate whispers of please oh god no. The bold black squiggles had marred the pristine white paper a week ago but now it was wet with tears of rejected reality. There was a simple note at the bottom of the page.

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