
Piecing it Together

On my 19th birthday I fell off——————————the wagon. When I woke up on
my bed in -————————————————the morning I prayed for it to still be
the middle of the night—————I prayed for a do-over like the child I still was.
I could only remember———————the pain in my heart that so easily eclipsed
the pain in my head and the sight of————my haggard reflection, so pale that
blood made——————————only a cursory effort to appear. The tangles in my
black—————————————————————————hair were no longer concealed
by darkness. But I———————————————————knew that I was different. I
couldn’t remember—————————————————————————-when or why or
anything else——————————————-to indicate what had happened. Nothing,
not even my————————————————————————————————————given

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