I don’t usually do poetry. I think you can see why.
I enjoyed your use of “guck” in this piece. I also found it interesting that you chose to have a line break after “goopy and” instead of “goopy and grimy”. Is the break aesthetic or rhythmic or something else?
It’s a little of both. I wanted ‘grimy’ on its own line to match ‘slimy,’ and as it so happened, it set a certain rhythm that I rather liked. Living on a farm, we are well familiar with the term ‘guck’. It’s one of our favorites.
It’s a little of both. I wanted ‘grimy’ on its own line to match ‘slimy,’ and as it so happened, it set a certain rhythm that I rather liked.
Living on a farm, we are well familiar with the term ‘guck’. It’s one of our favorites.
I like guck; it’s worse than muck.
Way worse. Requires a whole different set of boots. :)
The imagery is awesome. And disgusting. I love “guck.” Love the smell. Which is tangible. I can feel everything.
Fantastic! I like that it generates actual physical sensations for you. :)