Read it twice now. The wording is really natural and cool, but for some reason the meaning evades me. Let me look at it again, the over all emotion strikes me.
Ok, so I think I understand fully, I’m just rather slow today or something. I wouldn’t change anything. Its great the way it is.
afternova – two words: Schrodinger’s cat. Haha cats eat fish ok no not the point
Gradual Uprising – This was written as a reactionary piece to swimmingly so you could read it as such too. I’m glad you liked it and got some sort of takeaway from it! There wasn’t a very concrete main message in my head when writing; though I tried to say many things it’s all kinda confused. Quite reflective of my own confusion in beliefs I guess.
With writing like this I think it’s safe to say you are far from dead. This [poem was magnificent in so many ways because I can relate. Until my boys were born I too was awash in a state of perpetual confusion as to why I wasn’t getting anywhere or doing anything of meaning. It took me to some dark and unimaginative places and then I found my girl and she gave me reason. My 2 son’s were born and they gave me purpose. Life. Direction. So don’t stop swimming, It all comes to a head once you come up for air.
Reaver19 – sound advice, let it find you instead of driving yourself crazy trying to seek something you’re not quite sure what of?
Lighty – hello fellow commiserater, and aye, you’re right! HAHAH, this does sound quite like finding nemo with the “just keep swimming” and floating fish. Now if I could just squeeze in chasing bubbles somewhere…